Sydney Harbour fishing
Weather: Clear
Temperature:21 degrees
Wind: 0-12 knots westerly winds
Time: 12-4:30pm, low tide 10am, fishes bite at 1pm, fished the run in tide.
No photos as my camera does not work. But it was a successful day, havnt had that in a while.
I caught 3x 30cm+ breams, 1x 39cm blackfish, 5 leatherjackets, 1x maori wrasse on Prawns/bread. Tried metal lures for the frigates playing around but no hook up so i gave up. Yellowtails started to come around 4pm so i left.
Temperature:21 degrees
Wind: 0-12 knots westerly winds
Time: 12-4:30pm, low tide 10am, fishes bite at 1pm, fished the run in tide.
No photos as my camera does not work. But it was a successful day, havnt had that in a while.
I caught 3x 30cm+ breams, 1x 39cm blackfish, 5 leatherjackets, 1x maori wrasse on Prawns/bread. Tried metal lures for the frigates playing around but no hook up so i gave up. Yellowtails started to come around 4pm so i left.
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