
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday harbour flatty 85cm!

Hey guys long time with no report, so heres something decent.

Fished with drkcld in the harbour for some surgeons at first, I only managed 1 surgeon run but the hook came out and they didnt wanna bite no matter what so, i switched to bottom rig trying for some flatties with servo prawns.

Kept getting little stuff chewing off the bait. Then drkcld threw his fresh bait in. 5 minutes later his oceano was screaming, and when he said 'get the net' i thought he was joking cause i thought it was a rat king or something haha. My line got tangled onto his but who cares i went and got the net came back and saw it on the surface, i couldnt believe my eyes a massive flathead, which i never seen before at that size, the head was huge like a dinner plate!

i netted it with no problem, measured 85cm and approx 5kg(scale only 4kg). We were going to release it but the hook was really deep in, and it was bleeding heaps. So we.... turned it into beer battered flathead fillets. =)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A freak accident at pier 2

Hey guys, i would like to share an incident drkcld, me and a few other forum members had today.

The day started off pretty good with schools of rats everywhere and alot of people hooked up including drkcld and me. Alot of them was released, however some were kept cuz they felt like it. Anyways

It was drkcld's turn to fight a kingie and he landed the king, stepped back down from the ledge and stepped on somebody's cliff gaff type thing with a rope attached. He was barefooted when he stepped on it and the gaff went straight thru his foot, around 10cm deep. George and others were helping him calm down and stay relaxed meanwhile waiting for the Ambulence. He was transported to a hospital. The surgeons said the gaff missed the major tendons and arteries and should be able to remove it, so his foot should be fine.

I dont know why anyone would bring that gaff to the piers is it even necessary? anyways it was an accident and hope drkcld (steve) gets well soon.

Here are some photos I took for drkcld

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Harbour Flatty and King 23.01.09

Got there today with drkcld, i then got a hook up within 10minutes, but i think i didnt tie the knot properly so the hook came off. =(

Then drkcld was next, he lands a 62cm king, and released it, everyone there was cussing at us about releasing an undersized king. (later on they kept 2 undersized kings (50cms) and hid it in the car after we told them it was undersized.)

5 minutes later, drkcld lands another kingie, this time a 68cm was landed. I kept it for chinese new yr.

And drkcld scores again with a 50cm flattie, its pretty decent. I was surprised a flattie took the bait in middle column.

also drkcld got a $80 parking fine for 3 minutes too late. f*** you council!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

too many kings? videos included

drkcld reports:

hahah had planned to go out today and be there at 6am but instead i was woken up by my mates phone call at 6am!
who had just got there without bait waiting for me hahah
so i hurried up and headed to the spot with the "bait" =)
he called me at 6.30 telling me george had landed a 83cm kingy at the spot, his pb =) congratz to him
well got to the spot burleyed up, kingies came to the surface threw in some line and BANG the kingy took it on the surface. the fight lasted 5 seconds, netted it straight away
came to be 75cm but far out the size of this thing! was fat assssss, it was spewing all our burley back out
its stomach was 5x the size of its head hahah =) wasnt pregnant either =P just faaaaat

after an hr we gave up due to no more bait so we had did our last burley and last cast, then bang hooked up a kingy brought it up to be around 73cm, decided to throw it back in since we had already packed our gear and one kingy was already enough, decided to fight it again another day =)

heres a video of the release... allan (disco) and his brother said just spear it back in, but i knew u had to revive it a bit first because it was tired
but oh wells took the kingy around a minute to revive itself

releasing king

landing a fat king

landing another king

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Harbour kingies, but they aren't local kings 17/01/09

73cm and 77cm 4kg king caught by drkcld.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Another Seriola lalandi landbased syd harbour and a Fat King

reporting for 14th and 16th Jan 2008.

14th: big kings everywhere on the surface, caught 1 at 70cm, and got 3 videos recorded by julie

16th Jan:

got 5 runs in 30mins and 1 fat 75cm 4kg king was landed. Allan loses his 80cm+ kingie on the surface. I lost 2 kingies to pylon and structure.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Harbour Kings 13.1.09

we caught another kingie today, and lost 2. somehow the line broke.

Got Allan (aka G7G7) onto his first landbased kingfish and first of this season for him.
